The Sunday Salon: February 4, 2024

Happy Sunday! Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon, and I’m joining in!

Weekly Reads Round Up: Sunday January 28th, 2024 – Saturday February 3, 2024

I post reviews on Instagram and Goodreads. What have you read this week? 

Killer Jam (Dewberry Farm Mysteries Book 1) by Karen MacInerney (I read a copy from my library.) 

The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn (A book from my shelves that I listened to using my library’s Libby app.)

Clocked Out: A Josie Posey Mystery by Anna St. John (I read a galley from the author. Review to be posted on Monday as part of a blog tour.) 

A Purely Private Matter (A Rosalind Thorne Mystery Book 2) by Darcie Wilde (I listened to this using my library’s Hoopla app.) 

Death at the Fireside Inn: A 1920s Historical Mystery by Kitty Kildare (I read a galley from the author. Review to be posted Friday as part of a blog tour.) 

What I’m Reading & Listening to Now:

Reading: Life in Five Senses: How Exploring the Senses Got Me Out of My Head and Into the World by Gretchen Rubin

Listening: Murder in Postscript (Lady of Letters Book 1) by Mary Winters


I am not sorry to see January in the rear-view mirror! That was a long month with a lot of cloudy days. This week we saw the sun a few times and it felt amazing. 

The reading was great last month, and I hope the same for February. The Diamond Eye was fascinating and now I’m wanting to read more about Eleanor Roosevelt. 

I also picked back up my NaNoWriMo project and have a goal and schedule to fingers-crossed complete by the end of March. 

3 Good Things:

One: It was the annual family dance at my son’s school this Friday. It’s a fun night to spend together and we both appreciate how casual it is. Dress up if you want, wear your sweatpants if you’d like…all are welcome! 

Two: I was able to meet some new bookish friends for breakfast yesterday and a trip to our local indie bookstore–it was fun to have in-person bookish conversation! 

Three:  A Crumbl Cookies store opened near our neighborhood and we tried them out for dessert last night! Maybe it’s a bad thing it’s so close, ha! They were delicious and such a fun treat. 

Posted Recently:

On the blog:

Book Blogger Hop – February 2nd – 8th 2024

January 2024 5 Star Reads

Can’t-Wait Wednesday Selection #2 January 31, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday January 30th: New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2023

A review for a book I read earlier was published on Kings River Life News & Reviews. Check it out here:  

“A Body on the Doorstep” and “A Body at the Séance” By Marty Wingate: Reviews/Giveaways (Wonderful treat for historical mystery fans!)

Wishing everyone a happy week filled with good bookish vibes! 

8 responses to “The Sunday Salon: February 4, 2024”

  1. Good luck with your NaNoWriMo project!

    Diamond Eye and another book I read at about the same time led me to the massive, three-volume biography of Eleanor Roosevelt. I got part-way into volume 2 and I still hope to get back to it one of these days, but it’s a huge commitment.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I hope to pick my NaNoWriMo project soon. I may continue what I was working on or start another.

    I love to meet up with new bookish friends! Glad you got to do this last week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m also glad January’s over. It seems to be the dreariest month and for us always means bad air quality. I hope you have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really liked The Diamond Eye too

    Wishing you a happy reading week, and some Sun too!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Literary Feline Avatar
    Literary Feline

    I am glad the sun has made an appearance out your way. I can see it behind the clouds a bit from where I sit, but know it will soon be completely covered by the dark clouds. I can’t wait to read The Diamond Eye. Eleanor Roosevelt is one of my favorite first ladies to read about. I was actually eyeing a couple of books on my shelves–a nonfiction book and fiction book I have that would make a great nonfiction/fiction pairing. I hope you have a great week, Sarah!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. A school dance that includes parents and excludes over-emphasis on clothes – what a great idea!
    Your week/month sound very productive.
    best, mae at


  7. I’m glad January is over too. Even here in Florida it’s been cloudy and gloomy. Good luck with your NaNoWriMo project. Those cozy mysteries look so good. Have a great week!


  8. I had my very first Crumbl delivery last week and when the delivery lady handed me the box it was still warm! Every cookie was delicious. Very dangerous.

    Liked by 1 person

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About Me

Welcome! I started my career as a children’s librarian, later becoming a public library director and now I’m a stay at home mom. While my career might have changed, my love of reading has been a constant since I was in 4th grade, and I read over 200 books a year. I love talking about books and connecting readers of all ages with just the right book. Thanks for reading!