Unread Books: How Many Is Too Many?

I started 2024 off simply determined to read my shelves and practice a book buying pause until I got to a few from my unread shelf (who am I kidding with the word shelf?!? It’s shelves…shelves and shelves of unread books). 

Since there is no shame in the bookish community,  I’ll admit that at the end of 2023 I had 248 unread titles in my house. (Physical titles…I’m not touching the number of titles on my kindle. I’ll think about that later…much later.) Could I read half of that 248 in a year? Could I avoid adding any new titles and just use the library? 

Well, the jury is still out on that first question. As I write this, I’ve read 100ish books so far this year and 11 of those are from my shelves. 

I can, however, answer that second question with a no, that’s just not happening for me. Sometimes we just need to buy a book…there is something so comforting to me about having stacks of books around me. 

So I’m going for a less absolute, more middle ground goal around reading: read what I want and keep scanning my book cart and shelves for titles that pop out to me. Intersperse books I own with library holds. And don’t forget the joy of reading. Sometimes it is great to be an adult–no one is assigning us any reading. 

Some books from my shelves that are on my spring and summer TBR:

A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross

Wanderlust by Elle Everhart

It’s Been a Pleasure, Noni Blake by Claire Christian

A Disappearance in Fiji by Nilima Rao

The Darlings by Hannah McKinnon

Ana María and the Fox by Liana De la Rosa

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About Me

Welcome! I started my career as a children’s librarian, later becoming a public library director and now I’m a stay at home mom. While my career might have changed, my love of reading has been a constant since I was in 4th grade, and I read over 200 books a year. I love talking about books and connecting readers of all ages with just the right book. Thanks for reading!